Saturday, February 1, 2025

White Mantis (Germany)

White Mantis (Germany)
CD "Sacrifice Your Future"
Thrash, thrash and more thrash is the first thing you feel and breathe when listening to this band and this great album that I now present to you. Munich Bavaria from there is born the "Sacrifice Your Future" a disc that really is a kick in your face from beginning to end frontal and direct, riff wreckers and grumpy strings as sharp as steel itself and a battery as explosive as dynamite itself. I recommend the whole album but songs like: "Cannibal State" that opens the album and other songs like "bleached", "ordinary loser", "demonic levity" among others are sound brutalities. Europe is assured of the original thrasher sound because bands like this that are barely rhythm enjoy this whole album, health metalheads. 2012 sound as legendary as the most veteran of the style, if you want to move the frenetica under the most frenetic.