Saturday, February 1, 2025

Kaos Manifest (Norway)

Kaos Manifest (Norway)

T: What caused this project to be created that basically is a metal its sound?

Øle: I started making some death metal songs, and asked Fredrik to join on drums. Kaos Manifest was created and Janne joined on additional guitars and Cato on vocals before we recorded our first EP; The Illusion Of Freedom.

T: How long did it take to put the band together and decide to play death metal in this project coming from black projects?

Øle: I have always enjoyed death metal also, so i tried making some songs and i tought it worked out pretty good. Fredrik has also become a fast and technical drummer so it is a good thing to have something to push ourselves for.

T: That motivated them to create the ep The Illusion of Freedom?

Øle: The EP was our goal when we started. We have a goal to push ourselves musically and create something we can be proud of.

T: How much time do you devote to the band on a daily basis and what continues to motivate you to keep going?

Øle: We are currently working on new songs for a coming release, and possibly some liveshows. It motivates us to have something to look forward to, and making new music.

T: How has been the process of being able to divide the time between so many projects that work all at once?

Øle: Kaos Manifest is a sideproject to Flukt for me and Fredrik. But we try to be effective, and use as much time as possible when we are working with Kaos Manifest.

T: How do you define the concept of EP."The Illusion of Freedom"?

Øle: The lyrics is about events in history that has caused pain and death to people, and the evil that lies within humans.

T: The band where it points in the future with the music that it is achieving within the under?

Øle: We want to release more music in the future, hopefully we can start recording later this year. And some liveshows are in the planning, so we can reach out to more people.

T: For when do you plan to record a long-lasting album?

Øle: Our next release will most likely be an EP. And after that if the time is right, maybe an album

T: How much time do you spend on the band's composition and rehearsals?

Øle: I write most of the music, which I really enjoy, so I spend a lot of time at home composing and rehearsing. We also have rehearsals almost weekly.

T: Will the band continue to be death metal oriented in their sound or do they plan to experiment with other sounds?

Øle: Currently we are sticking to death metal, but we try to evolve to make our own sound. There are also black and thrash influences in some of our songs.

T: Do you know South America and imagine that it has followers there?

Øle: Hopefully we do, south america has a reputation of a lot of crazy metalheads, it is maybe the metal capital of the world?

T: Would you like to one day visit Latin America and play there?

Øle: Yes that would have been amazing. The metalscene seems great and the nature and culture is also something i admire.

T: Øle Last thank you for the interview and I ask you to greet our followers.

Øle: Thank you very much for the interview. Support "The Legion Of TchorT" Metal'Zine and support underground metal!