Saturday, February 1, 2025

AMeN.V1 (Austria)

Running Wild Productions AMeN. V1(Austria) Compilation "Austrian Metal News  Volume 1."

A fairly extensive and rich material where we can navigate between many bands and different styles, this material surprised me because it makes it possible for you to investigate and get to know so many bands of this great scene that is very interesting. The way this compilation is done is brilliant due to the great way of compiling so many styles and of great quality.The art section of the compilation is masterful and the form and quality in which the album is printed seems to me to be of the first level, very much in keeping with the great material that they present to us.T he content of the compilation is made up of: VNZVCHT that practice black metal, AEONS OF ASHES that do melodic death metal, then we can listen to AUSSICHTSLOS that give us black metal, it also has the great band BLACK ANTHEM that makes an interesting black metal, another of the bands is CRUCIATUS INFERNALIS running a black dungeon. Then we can continue browsing for more bands like: Dea Artio who play an atmospheric black, then we continue FLAMMENKVLT also practitioners of black metal, then we can listen to GHA´AGSHEBLAH great black metal band, we also have bands with other styles present like INFECTED CHAOS with an excellent Death metal, there is also NÀIRE, an excellent band, PERDITUS continues with an enormous black metal of great quality. We also have another great band such as SCION OF DARKNESS presenting a legendary Death metal, a band that surprised me is SHEOGORATH with a quite interesting mixed style with black metal and a lot of melodic metal, then we can hear VERGEBLICHKEIT doing a very brutal gothic black. And the compilation closes with WINTER'S BREATH that gives us an incredible atmospheric metal along with brutal black, an excellent band called WITHDRAW that makes great black metal. An excellent compilation from start to finish, fully recommend.