Monday, July 1, 2024

The Legion Of TchorT Zine

EDITOR: Carlos Leo "TchorT"
CO-EDITOR: Ale "Egregor"

Postal address:

Carlos Leo "TchorT"
Calle Pacasmayo 142 ( 2 Piso )
La Perla - 07016
Callao - Perú

The Crawling (UK)

The Crawling (UK)
CD."Wolves and the Hideous White"
The Crawling from UK arrives and presents us with an album that is simply brutal. "Wolves and the Hideous White" is the incredible CD. that we are presented here with a mix of black, doom, death, dark and many styles together that always haunt the darkness completely. A band that surprised me and that really enchanted me in its staging. Subject after subject are falling and each one is darker than the predecessor. These Lisburn natives make clear the sound of utter misery and open doors for such a decadent and humiliating void as is the sound of this band. The density and supremacy that they display goes hand in hand with the virtuosity that they leave on this plate. Of the six themes of the CD. coming to an end with "Promises and Parasites" it is a lapidary closing that as a funeral ends the grab history of the sound described above. I recommend if you are a lover of darkness but look for something else...

Tales of Ratatosk (Germany)

Tales of Ratatosk (Germany)
CD."Rise & Decay"

Tales of Ratatosk bursts onto the scene with a metal full of anger and a lot of melody. We can also obtain characteristics of folk music all within the framework of the most extreme sound. Rise & Decay is an album honoring the folk melody themes with great depth and a lot of energy worthy to drink a good amount of liquor. Breaking down this album we can get unimaginable sounds that take you to medieval Europe and take you to a scene from antiquity itself. Ancient battles and worlds full of magic, an entire atmosphere into which this gang transports you. Eight themes of great value for the genre and a great brutality in the extreme report, I am very surprised by the vocal power of its heartbreaking leader and quite depressing in his records but very suitable to the atmosphere that goes from folkloric to melody then to extreme and leaves you wandering on this journey to the medieval world. Going through all the instrumentation it is impeccable both guitars and bass and a very virtuous percussion, a support of clean female voice with great register and an enviable folk sound compendium for any band of the genre.

Stygian Temple (Germany)

Stygian Temple (Germany)
CD."In the Sign  the Five Angles"

Stygian Temple, German black metal band, bring us their first album "In the Sign of the Five Angles", a totally blacker and brutal album from beginning to end without rest or space to any other genre. They combine the old and new school of this great genre, this record that was recorded in 2016 leaves the German underground high.
Some of his riffs remind me of the very MAYHEM influence is noted. Sharp guitars, the space to the melody is little, and the battery an eternal blast beat, voices from beyond the grave without abusing highs. Sol records are responsible for distributing this album. Recall that this disc has a side a and a side b. Side A: Intro, Soli Deo Gloria, Cathartic Nimbus, The Great Cosmic Void, Verbum Dei, In the Sign of the Five Angles, Dominion of the Trident B side Intro, Soli Deo Gloria, Cathartic Nimbus, The In the Sign of the Five Angles, Dominion of the Trident. It was recorded in cassette format 200 If you are a black metal lover do not hesitate to feel the whole trip of this monumental album.

Scapegod (Austria)

Scapegod (Austria)

From Salzburg Austria comes the devastating sound of Scapegod's black death and dark. An incredible and powerful sound that walks between the most melancholic back and all the darkness represented in each of the songs and always does not fail to notice the impact of death in its sound. His album Dystopia is characterized by having quite melodic themes, but also combines with direct guitars drums of ultra speed and voices from the afterlife, the voices are of the same ultratumba Nine songs make up this great album of the Austrians I think it is a good trip that you should decide to do, totally recommended this great album of this interesting band, try to explore and get lost in the darkness of Dystopia.

Porta Inferi (Germany)

Porta Inferi (Germany)
CD."Chronicals of Human Failure"
Porta Inferi.Scattered between Neubrandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the Germans Porta Inferi bring us their second long-playing album Chronicals of Human Failure. A disc where we can get a death black metal firsthand. Brutality and a lot of old school in their compositions, direct guitars and a brutal drums, a voice that never faints and frenetic rhythms, when they want to sound more dense and slow but just as heavy they know how to do it. Germany does not rest with the production of bands that know how to keep the sound of the 90s very well. Feet: Chris Fatal Guitars Thomas Vocals Sam Sheppard Drums Robert Bass Beoner Guitars The disc contains letters of death, destruction, torture, among others as they have always characterized the band. When we listen to your first 6 songs, do not have time to breathe. Open with Preface, then continue with the violent ones And So the Ghoul Spoke, No Escape, Rough Manners, and then continue with direct themes such as Invasion of the Sick and Panzersturm. You get with themes in the same order of ideas without lowering speed or intensity Crawling Invader, Artificial Afterglow, .A.R.S. And the album ends with two masterpieces: Maggots Grub and Resting in Dust. The band does not have a record label, they produce everything independently and it's really a great job they do, recommended.

Kaos Manifest (Norway)

Kaos Manifest (Norway)

T: What caused this project to be created that basically is a metal its sound?

Øle: I started making some death metal songs, and asked Fredrik to join on drums. Kaos Manifest was created and Janne joined on additional guitars and Cato on vocals before we recorded our first EP; The Illusion Of Freedom.

T: How long did it take to put the band together and decide to play death metal in this project coming from black projects?

Øle: I have always enjoyed death metal also, so i tried making some songs and i tought it worked out pretty good. Fredrik has also become a fast and technical drummer so it is a good thing to have something to push ourselves for.

T: That motivated them to create the ep The Illusion of Freedom?

Øle: The EP was our goal when we started. We have a goal to push ourselves musically and create something we can be proud of.

T: How much time do you devote to the band on a daily basis and what continues to motivate you to keep going?

Øle: We are currently working on new songs for a coming release, and possibly some liveshows. It motivates us to have something to look forward to, and making new music.

T: How has been the process of being able to divide the time between so many projects that work all at once?

Øle: Kaos Manifest is a sideproject to Flukt for me and Fredrik. But we try to be effective, and use as much time as possible when we are working with Kaos Manifest.

T: How do you define the concept of EP."The Illusion of Freedom"?

Øle: The lyrics is about events in history that has caused pain and death to people, and the evil that lies within humans.

T: The band where it points in the future with the music that it is achieving within the under?

Øle: We want to release more music in the future, hopefully we can start recording later this year. And some liveshows are in the planning, so we can reach out to more people.

T: For when do you plan to record a long-lasting album?

Øle: Our next release will most likely be an EP. And after that if the time is right, maybe an album

T: How much time do you spend on the band's composition and rehearsals?

Øle: I write most of the music, which I really enjoy, so I spend a lot of time at home composing and rehearsing. We also have rehearsals almost weekly.

T: Will the band continue to be death metal oriented in their sound or do they plan to experiment with other sounds?

Øle: Currently we are sticking to death metal, but we try to evolve to make our own sound. There are also black and thrash influences in some of our songs.

T: Do you know South America and imagine that it has followers there?

Øle: Hopefully we do, south america has a reputation of a lot of crazy metalheads, it is maybe the metal capital of the world?

T: Would you like to one day visit Latin America and play there?

Øle: Yes that would have been amazing. The metalscene seems great and the nature and culture is also something i admire.

T: Øle Last thank you for the interview and I ask you to greet our followers.

Øle: Thank you very much for the interview. Support "The Legion Of TchorT" Metal'Zine and support underground metal!

Spirits Way (Poland)

Spirits Way (Poland)
CD."Devoid Of Moralit"

Spirits Way is a band from Poland Warsaw formed in 2009 by a great guitarist / and excellent vocalist this same being leader of the group, Tomasz "Destroyer" Radzikowski, who works in the band officially since 2010. This band presents a sound influenced by classic death metal and oriented to classic bands of the genre. The lyrics talk about death, violence and perversion. CD."Devoid Of Moralit" is an album motivated by violence and darkness where we can appreciate nuances in its sound ranging from the sickest and most brutal, as well as the most violent of the genre. 8 musical plates that are real slabs that fall on the cement like heavy rocks, a selection of strings that although They are quite acute make you get deeply involved with the frontal sound they present, as well as a bass that crushes each note taking it to the most extreme, and a percussion that is quite complex that never lowers the speed and level of the extreme sound that this band presents. A very interesting project that I can recommend for all those followers of death metal and black metal that is often able to go beyond the classic, although here we get those influences, but the band despite this achieves a particular and very original sound.

Proglas (Slovakia)

Proglas (Slovakia)

Proglas from Slovakia excellent black metal band necessary for the followers of this genre. Faithful followers have great material on their album "Herrethik". Brutal riffs and very demonic sick rhythms necessary for the day to day of this blacker in general. You can walk the path of many rhythms and feelings along this huge disk in quality and essence. Active since 2001, the natives of Trenčín, Trenčín provide us with a record that I recommend from beginning to end.

Flukt (Norway)

Flukt (Norway)

T: Hello greetings, Where did the idea of forming a band come from?

Flukt: Hello! We started Flukt back in 2014, with a desire to perform old school Black Metal. We had previously played together in other metal bands.

T: The name of the band comes from where and why did they decide that it will be called that Flukt?

Flukt: We wanted a Norwegian name that was short and had a two-faced meaning behind it. Flukt is Norwegian for flee or escape.

T: What has been the response in the underground with the debut Cd. and Lp.  "Darkness Devour"?

Flukt: Actually we have only received pretty good reviews and response for “Darkness Devour”. Way beyond our expectations. 

T: Who made the cover like all the art and can you explain it?

Flukt: We had the ideas for the artwork, but it was made by Moonring art design. The concept reflects the lyrics and music. “Darkness devour” is not a concept album, but there is a red tread going through the whole record. The title says it all…

T: How did you contact Dusktone Records?

Flukt: We had heard about Dusktone and were familiar with a couple of bands on the label roster. So, when we were looking around for a label, we reached out to them.

T: The band has been a fundamental pillar of the world under, how do you feel that it has managed to influence bands that are just starting out?

Flukt: I don’t think we are fundamental in the underground. Not at all! We always try to have younger bands as support band when we do local gigs.

T: How have you seen the world metal scene today and what difference do you notice with it if we compare it 20 years ago?

Flukt: The “scene” is much bigger nowadays, but at the same time more watered out. We don’t pay too much attention to the whole metal scene. Still stuck in the 80s/90s.

T: Do you enjoy recording material that is comparable to playing live?  do you prefer one thing or both?

Flukt: We prefer performing live over recording.

T: How was your attitude when you learned about the declaration of the global pandemic?  did you affect the band?  Did it affect your life and the environment of the band?

Flukt: Of course the band was affected by the pandemic. We had to cancel some club gigs and a small European tour. But music is our hobby not our livelihood so we can’t complain too much about it. Luckily the pandemic seems to have run its course for now.

T: Did you ever think that the global pandemic situation would end the genre under or were you confident that it would remain and become more solid?

Flukt: The pandemic has given bands more time to create and record new music. And now when things seem to open up again, more people are interested in going to liveshows. There are often positive perspectives to neagative things to.

T: What opinion do you have about today's society and what is your position on the world scene under?  have they taken a correct path?  Is there more to go?

Flukt: We play black metal and that will always be underground. It is what we like to do. We are in it for the music, not money or anything else. 

T: Finally, thank you for taking the time to answer our questions and if you Hy leave a message to your followers throughout Latin America and if you hope one day to know these lands?  greetings thank you.

Flukt: Thank you for the interview! Much appreciated! I hope we one day will be able to tour Latin America, looks really amazing.

Ravager (Germany)

Ravager (Germany)
Walsrode, Lower Saxony is where Ravager comes from violent and very direct German thrasher since the beginning is an explosive disk. CD."Thrashletic" is a huge record for global thrash metal fans. An under style very practiced in these times by new bands that pay tribute to the old sound and keep the old school of thrash metal alive. Pointy batteries that make you suffer pain and riff on guitars and basses that are extreme but can not and a direct and you get crushing at full speed through your veins. With an ep and two discs in our pocket they are assuring us of the most rabid trash metal future that will continue playing forever.

White Mantis (Germany)

White Mantis (Germany)
CD "Sacrifice Your Future"
Thrash, thrash and more thrash is the first thing you feel and breathe when listening to this band and this great album that I now present to you. Munich Bavaria from there is born the "Sacrifice Your Future" a disc that really is a kick in your face from beginning to end frontal and direct, riff wreckers and grumpy strings as sharp as steel itself and a battery as explosive as dynamite itself. I recommend the whole album but songs like: "Cannibal State" that opens the album and other songs like "bleached", "ordinary loser", "demonic levity" among others are sound brutalities. Europe is assured of the original thrasher sound because bands like this that are barely rhythm enjoy this whole album, health metalheads. 2012 sound as legendary as the most veteran of the style, if you want to move the frenetica under the most frenetic.