Saturday, March 1, 2025

Flukt (Norway)

Flukt (Norway)

T: Hello greetings, Where did the idea of forming a band come from?

Flukt: Hello! We started Flukt back in 2014, with a desire to perform old school Black Metal. We had previously played together in other metal bands.

T: The name of the band comes from where and why did they decide that it will be called that Flukt?

Flukt: We wanted a Norwegian name that was short and had a two-faced meaning behind it. Flukt is Norwegian for flee or escape.

T: What has been the response in the underground with the debut Cd. and Lp.  "Darkness Devour"?

Flukt: Actually we have only received pretty good reviews and response for “Darkness Devour”. Way beyond our expectations. 

T: Who made the cover like all the art and can you explain it?

Flukt: We had the ideas for the artwork, but it was made by Moonring art design. The concept reflects the lyrics and music. “Darkness devour” is not a concept album, but there is a red tread going through the whole record. The title says it all…

T: How did you contact Dusktone Records?

Flukt: We had heard about Dusktone and were familiar with a couple of bands on the label roster. So, when we were looking around for a label, we reached out to them.

T: The band has been a fundamental pillar of the world under, how do you feel that it has managed to influence bands that are just starting out?

Flukt: I don’t think we are fundamental in the underground. Not at all! We always try to have younger bands as support band when we do local gigs.

T: How have you seen the world metal scene today and what difference do you notice with it if we compare it 20 years ago?

Flukt: The “scene” is much bigger nowadays, but at the same time more watered out. We don’t pay too much attention to the whole metal scene. Still stuck in the 80s/90s.

T: Do you enjoy recording material that is comparable to playing live?  do you prefer one thing or both?

Flukt: We prefer performing live over recording.

T: How was your attitude when you learned about the declaration of the global pandemic?  did you affect the band?  Did it affect your life and the environment of the band?

Flukt: Of course the band was affected by the pandemic. We had to cancel some club gigs and a small European tour. But music is our hobby not our livelihood so we can’t complain too much about it. Luckily the pandemic seems to have run its course for now.

T: Did you ever think that the global pandemic situation would end the genre under or were you confident that it would remain and become more solid?

Flukt: The pandemic has given bands more time to create and record new music. And now when things seem to open up again, more people are interested in going to liveshows. There are often positive perspectives to neagative things to.

T: What opinion do you have about today's society and what is your position on the world scene under?  have they taken a correct path?  Is there more to go?

Flukt: We play black metal and that will always be underground. It is what we like to do. We are in it for the music, not money or anything else. 

T: Finally, thank you for taking the time to answer our questions and if you Hy leave a message to your followers throughout Latin America and if you hope one day to know these lands?  greetings thank you.

Flukt: Thank you for the interview! Much appreciated! I hope we one day will be able to tour Latin America, looks really amazing.