Saturday, February 1, 2025

Order Of The Ebon Hand (Greece)

Order Of The Ebon Hand (Greece)
CD."VII: The Chariot"

CD."VII: The Chariot" 8 songs are the number of songs that make up this album that is enormous and deep within the archetype of Greek black metal "VII: The Chariot" (Order Of The Ebon Hand) Let's remember that the extreme Greek metal is always very brutal and powerful that always takes us much further from the extreme and takes us into very deep universes both in sound and lyric and generate an atmosphere that transports you beyond. . (Aiantas, Bael, Wings) called my attention considerably. Maybe you do not know this band. I invite you to investigate more about it and to listen to this album. Here I leave the protagonists of it: Merkaal in Vocals work, Phlaigon playing Guitar, Baron Bonisagus running Bass, Øbsidian in charge of the Keyboards and the beast We are responsible for the Drums. Recall that it was an album recorded in June 2019 at the Woodshed studios. If you are a fan of extreme Greek metal do not miss this band.