Saturday, February 1, 2025

SLOOW (Austria)

SLOOW (Austria)
Lp. "Declaration Of War"

Sloow these Austrians come to the charge with a brutal proposal submerged in the old school of yesteryear and where we get very marked influences from all the death metal sound of their beginnings. "Declaration of War" is the brutal album that they present to us, ten incredible songs that are rising in tone and becoming more and more extreme, this great album was released in June 2022, it surprised me in strings which are impressive and quite brutal executed Masterfully, just like the guttural voices, very well worked incredible many times, we can observe a percussion that goes in a fundamental line in the aggressiveness that presents the general sound of the band. Three songs that I will highlight on this album "Emptiness", "Total Defense" and the imperial "Destroyer of Worlds" each raising the level of this impressive band. The old school sound is always highly appreciated and even more so when there are currently projects that keep alive that essence of the beginnings of this whole thing called extreme metal.

SLOOW (Austria)
LP. "Where is God"

Sloow Worthy for gore lovers but in its beginnings with some influences of old school death and obviously primitive sounds of metal that are still legendary and valid. "Where is God" album that came to the world in 2020 and presents us with a direct and concrete opposite rune without half measures, quite ideal for those lovers of old school extreme metal that never sold to the commercial sound.  I got hooked on songs like "Paradox" and "Dark Sun", true pieces that annihilate your brain and your understanding because they go through an astonishing virtuosity but at the same time without staining the brutality of the proposal, apart from "The Star" and "Forgotten" true hymns and odes to bestiality, don't get caught up in certain songs, try to listen to the complete album, there are 10 songs that these Austrians managed to achieve, who deserve to be given the opportunity to appreciate their proposal.