Saturday, February 1, 2025

Höllensturm (Germany)

Höllensturm (Germany)

Höllensturm, the black metal Germans who present us with a very crude and powerful proposal, for purely demonic lovers of the great black world music, an apocalyptic black metal without many words. Blitzkrieg is the name of the plaque that they present to us and I invite you to listen, from the beginning it is a record that hits you at once and does not let you get up. In 2017 many albums of the genre came out but few as malignant as this spawn. I invite you to review part of the outstanding themes of the long duration: Blitzkrieg, a theme with which they open that becomes somewhat epic in certain moments transmits a lot of energy and the characteristic darkness of the genre followed by themes like: "Die schwarze Legion, Totenmoor, Der Wolf, Ewige Stille". And they close their album with a couple of pieces "Blutlust" and the monumental "Sardisstick" that spends the 5 minutes of duration, is that this band is to compose long songs that become anthems to the darkness, highly recommended only for lovers of black metal. 


In memory of our friend Jens Desiderius Schäfer.