Saturday, February 1, 2025

Higurd (Germany)


Higurd (Germany)

Higurd, direct and violent black metal, since 2010 destroying the universe with its music. Germany continues to provide metal in all its styles, the "Egozentrik" album was released in the year 2016 by Wolfmond Productions and 2018 by Narcoleptica Productions.
Higurd is: Nargathrond Guitars, Vocals Morbid Vocals The set of the disc is: Freiheit Jag känner mig hämma i dina ögon Minusmensch In meinem Tun der Teufel Entweiht Innere Unruhe Herz Du bist tot (Teil 2) I Am the Night. For lovers of the old black metal school and followers of basic and direct metal. Discography: Gedankensturm (Album, 2013); Totgeglaubt (EP, 2015) Egozentrik (Album2016/2018)
Egozentrik is from the beginning a real kick to your eggs, old school pure and hard no melody and no detour, direct and concrete proposal of black metal of race. Higurd is one of those bands that you will hate or love when listening for the first time, and his album is of that kind, a lot of power in sound and a voice that reminds us of the best version of Pest in Gorgoroth of yesteryear, true riff Black metal and a devastating battery. The album takes us through many passages where they go from the most extreme to the most dense and powerful becoming hymns of the afterlife. Recall that the label responsible for propagating this plague is Narcoleptica Productions that were really right to support these beasts of the genus. I do not make a breakdown of the album, song by song as I like to do because it is a material to listen on a single trip and describe it so a dark feeling, without removing the ears of the speaker, you should not stop listening to this complete rite, here I leave the set list to delight you: Freiheit Jag Känner Mig Hämma I Dina Ögon Minusmensch In Meinem Tun Der Teufel Entweiht Innere Unruhe Herz Du Bist Tot (Teil 2) I Am The Night German metal never disappoints me and these goats who have been together since 2010 show that they are here to stay in the darkest area of ​​the metal, recommended.