Tuesday, October 1, 2024

The Legion Of TchorT Zine

EDITOR: Carlos Leo "TchorT"
CO-EDITOR: Ale "Egregor"

Postal address:

Carlos Leo "TchorT"
Calle Pacasmayo 142 ( 2 Piso )
La Perla - 07016
Callao - Perú

Document 6 (Germany)

Document 6 (Germany)
CD."Grind (r)evolution"
Aachen home of the grindcore Document 6. Germany continues to provide bands every day of all styles and moods. And grind is a style that you can love or perhaps hate because it is surely not suitable for any ear, because it is very accustomed to extreme extremes and many do not tolerate it. Lament if you are one of those, then stay away because this disease and musical bestiality that is his album "Grind (r)evolution" is simply not for you. 21 themes from start to finish colossal and crazy as well as this style, there is no shortage of intros and outros who may or may not give rise to knowing what the up locoming song is about. Musically riff sick and violent guttural voices to more power and grunts combined, drums ranging from the most grind to hardcore and punk if mixing all this and making your head explode with so many rhythms in so few seconds, it came to mind Quickly the glorious Regurgitated masters of this style. Note more than positive the tribute paid to him in the final song of the album "A for Arroganse" by the legendary Belgians (Agathocles) eminences of the under grind.

EverdeaD (Poland)

EverdeaD (Poland)

T: Why the name EverdeaD? Any special meaning and who chose it?

Mat: Hello, Tchort. Greetings to all Metalheads readership of "The Legion of TchorT" 'Zine.
The main idea of the band was to perform metal classics. It was meant to be a cover band with me on guitar and a couple of friends from BESTIAL local Brutal Death Metal act.
Due to that concept the name was supossed to be an invertion of Evergreen. Evergreen meaning immortal classic songs I thought, what better name than EverdeaD then?

T: What bands and styles have influenced you since you decided to form the band?

Mat: Since early 90's I was inspired by the Death Metal scene. My greatest influences from that era are bands like: VADER, DEATH, MORBID ANGEL, OBITUARY, BENEDICTION, ASPHYX, PESTILENCE and CANNIBAL CORPSE. As for younger bands: NECROPHAGIST, DYING FETUS, SCEPTIC. I love this kind of expressive, raw sound and a kind of primitive brutality even if there are bands that play more technical kinds of metal.

T: What was your biggest influence from the beginning when deciding to form the band?

Mat: As I mentioned before the Death Metal scene especially in the late 80's and early 90's. Besides I think that my other inspiration are Thrash Metal bands like: SLAYER, OVERKILL, late EXODUS, late TesTamenT, early METALLICA, early SODOM, early KREATOR. I must confess, I am not that open minded. I prefer to stick im my comfort zone ;)

T: What do you hope to achieve with your musical proposal when they are heard in other countries throughout the world?

Mat: Well... I don't have high expectations. Being so self-conscious I acknowledge that there are and there will always be bigger and more influential bands in the Metal Scene. 
Keep in mind the main idea of EverdeaD was to play for fun and that stays true to this day. I don't think that being in the band is a competition. 
EverdeaD is not challenging anyone.
We're just trying to do our best. We would be very happy if EverdeaD reached a bigger audience, but we still have fun playing regardless. As I mentioned before, we have our comfort zone. Me (Mat) and Daro (rhythm guitar) are 48 and 50 years old. Kowal (bass) is 35. The time for us to establish ourselves in the scene passed us by years ago. Now we are Metal Oldboys still followers and keepers of the Metal Scene. And we're content with that.

T: Why did they enter the world of metal and what keeps them motivated?

Mat: For me (and I suppose for Daro and Kowal) Metal is not only a music genre. Speaking for myself beeing a metalhead is also a kind of lifestyle. You become attached to something more than a company label and a formula. Entering the Metal Scene is a kind of escape from a killing pattern. You know: wake, eat, shit, work, sleep, and repeat. And life passes by...
You're obviously entering another pattern: precise aggresive music style, outfits, gigs, skulls, bones, new relationships and many more. Some may say "O! What a cliche boring as hell!!!" but I love it. And I don't expect anyone to follow my steps, you're either a metalhead or you're not.

T: How would you define your music?

Mat: In short words EverdeaD is Death Metal inspired by The Death Metal scene of the late 80's and early 90's. For instance: VADER "The Ultimate Incantation", DEATH "Spiritual Healing", PESTILENCE "Testimony Of The Ancients" and many more... I think you will find many more influences from bands of that era in EverdeaD.

T: Who is in charge of the art for your T-shirt designs?

Mat: Well... The first graphics I made myself. Cover art for the 2nd demo and T-SHIRT "Resurrected Into Plagues" was a processed photo by Helen Fyles from England. 
I was looking for a picture of a winged skull and I've found one. Helen granted my request and let me use it. But the next pieces were made mostly by independent artists. Most of them I've found on facebook groups. The art for the 2nd single "Inhuman Devolution" was made by artist Ley Art. "Slashing Madness" cover art was made by artist Ukie Bloodart. "Spiritual Revival" cover art was made by my son Wincenty Judasz. He has made art directly commissioned by me. 5th single's cover art "Released From The Grave" which will be released on september 24, 2024 was made by Pileworm Art.

T: How did the pandemic affect you to continue developing your career as a band?

Mat: I must admit, that the pandemic worked fine for me. While I was stuck at home, I had so much time to play guitar. As I remember it, it was the very first time in my adult life I didn't have to sacrifice time from my day to play and practice. So exactly at the time the idea to transform EverdeaD from a cover band was born. I remember a while practicing (MACHINE HEAD's) "Davidian" I played my first riffs. At the time I composed and recorded first versions of "Plague 19" and "World's Greatest Saviour". 
The last one is still and I believe will always be in our set list.

T: What can you tell me about the experience of recording your CD."COVID Sessions" during the pandemic?

Mat: The time was strange. I remember people felt insecure and very confused. 
We started the band in 2020 so we had only 4 songs back then: "World's Greatest Saviour", "Alternating Misinformaion" and "Global Myth". 
"Plague 19" was not planned for that recording session. As I remember it, we were recording "Covid Sessions" in beetween of november and december 2020. All of my guitar parts and bass I've recorded at home (which I am still doing). Czes the 2nd guitarist and Lewy the drummer recorded their parts at our rehearsal place. I've recorded my vocals at the same place as well.
We've made the recordings just to let Metalheads know that there is new act in the Metal Scene. Demo was put on some streaming platforms. There were also 200 physical copies.

T: How have they been achieved reinvent with the pandemic theme, what do you think of the world situation?

Mat: As I mentioned before it was wierd. But Covid19 did not affect EverdeaD that much. Even if there were no gigs because of pandemic restrictions we didn't have enough songs in our setlist to play gigs. We were encouraged by the response to "Covid Sessions", so we focused on making more material. Obviously we had some breaks for holidays and stuff like that. Anyway we were still making songs for the 2nd demo: "Resurrected Into Plagues". We also hoped, the medical situation will normalize and we will finally hit the stage. In beetween we had released our first single: "Wings Of Horror".

T: What are the lyrics of your Single "Wings of Horror" about?

Mat: This song was the first one written for "Resurrected Into Plagues". But it was released in 2021 as a single as inauguration of Metal Radio Mordor. A kind of special support from EverdeaD for the radio. 
What are the lyrics about? You know the world of EverdeaD is mostly made up. It is filled with zombies, skulls, bones, sickness, living dead and scenarios of horror. There's not much space for interpretation or poetry it's as simple as it gets. "Wings of Horror" is about nightmares. In short words it says: never fall asleep, because you will be trapped by your nightmares. 
There is no hidden meaning. Just a simple story.

T: What currently inspires the band to continue working in the underground death metal scene?

Mat: You know we have good responses from metalheads (thank you all) it is the real strongest purpose and inspiration one could ask for. This I think: is the real fuel. Of course another purpose is musical self-realization, but being a part of the metalhead community is very important to us.

T: What motivated you to venture into the world of metal and what keeps you motivated to continue?

Mat: The biggest motivation for me is to be a part of Metal Society. I think all my motivations that I mentioned before also apply here. Stuff like: high fiving, headbanging,vv photos, gossiping about music, etc. I believe those are the charms of being a metalhead that inspire me.

T: How did your latest CD, "Resurrected into Plagues" go? I hear a very technical evolution in sound and more brutal at the same time. What do you think about it? Was it also recorded in times of COVID?

Mat: About technical evolution I am a great fan of Chuck's Schuldiner guitar style. I'm also inspired by: Muhammed Suiçmez, Trey Azagthoth, Marek Pająk and Jacek Hiro's guitar styles. So if I have time I try to develop my style. As you might know I am the only composer of EverdeaD. Still, I don't want to go too deep into thehg technical aspets of our music. 
The other aspect is that I dont want EverdeaD to be too technical in riffing, I would rather write more technical solos. About "Resurrected into Plagues". It was recorded a year after "Covid Sessions". All my guitar parts were recorded during my rehabilitation in a sanatorium. 
Vocals were recorded by our past vocalist Paweł Piaskowaski, the brutal sound and production was achieved mostly by Paweł. He is a very talented vocalist and sound engineer as well. 
I was more experienced but together we combined for the final mix. After Paweł left EverdeaD I produce all recordings myself.

T: What can you tell us about the Polish scene and why is it somewhat less known than other scenes in Europe?

Mat: In the Polish scene there are still active classics like: VADER, BEHEMOTH, DECAPITATED, BETRAYER, PENDEMONIUM and a few more.
I am not an expert, market specialist or authority figure in regards of the music scene, but I see plenty of bands like EverdeaD. I mean Metal Old Boys who gather to play for fun. 
Still there is few new blood bands for I can't see them. Cannot tell why that is. I remember my younger days full of metal acts. They were always forming and disbanding... There were times of constant motion in the scene.
And why Polish Metal is less known in Europe? I think the reason is that there are so many bands, it's hard to be seen between those huge numbers and names in Europe. To be honest, it takes a lot of time and money to be seen. I guess younger bands don't have much to support their name, so they try their best with what they have.

T: What other bands in Poland see future projection on the local scene?

Mat: I am convinced that BAALZAGOTH, MORTIS DEI and DAMMNATORUM are one of those who may get the recognition they deserve. 
As you already know, I am into Death Metal, but I see that Black Metal is very strong in Poland. But I feel there is hope in Death Metal Youngsters from: GODSLUT, CRY OF THE NILE, ESCALATION, VITUR and MORRATH.

T: What do you think of the national death metal scene in your country?

Mat: I think I said everything I can on this topic. There's a lot of talent out there waiting to be seen.

T: What continues to motivate the band to stay active on the Poland and world extreme scene?

Mat: The want to be a part of the scene is the greatest purpose. Performing gigs, hugging Metalheads, photos, recordings no matter of financial cost... 
As You might know Metal Musicians in Poland have regular jobs. I for example do pest control. So being in a band is purely out of passion.

T: Would you like to come to South America one day? And to be able to publicize his music more?

Mat: Gigs sure. If there's a good time and place. Recordings also sure. At the 23rd of september I plan to start recordings for debut album "Sick Compilation". It will contain 10 songs probably from first 2 demo's and 3 singles re-recorded with new sound. 
There will be new intros and outros between verte song. I plan to release it via independent label or just myself. 
Only matter are the release conditions, so I am opened for offers if we get them.

T: What is the new thing that EverdeaD is preparing to record?

Mat: As of recently (25.08.2024) I am setting up stuff to record a new single: "Released From The Grave". It will be released 24.08.2024 via our streaming platforms. It will be the first song recorded in a new key. 
I decided to tune 2 steps upper from C to D. It will sound more vintage, I think. Recently most bands are tuning to C which is fine for groove but they lose definition. 
If you plan to play more technical stuff, I think upper tunings sound better.

T: Mat, thank you very much for taking the time to answer the interview about your band EverdeaD and to let us know a little more about the Polish underground scene. Where can we buy your merchandise?

Mat: Thanks so much for your interest in EverdeaD!
You can buy our merch at our gigs (we are performing once or twice a month all around Poland) and also via our mail/facebook.
Remember, support METAL!
Cheers from Poland!

Cemetery - "The Last Day on Earth" (Germany)

Cemetery (Germany)

CD."The Last Day on Earth"

All the death, thrash and progressive metal comes with everything to lash out at the world under. The natives of Peiting Germany present us with their album "The Last Day on Earth" with a sound wrapped in the old school and a large number of strident sounds as brutal as their vocal register, sick and vibrant riff on each of their guitars and basses and of course an incredible and brutal crushing battery. An album that was recorded between the United States and Germany by Engineered by Roland Weihmayer and Dani Zizek. Recall that the most important german information on the album was Mixed by Paul Fig at "Dave's Room" USA Mastered by Dan Swanö at "Unisound Studios" Sweden. I highly recommend this album.

Cemetery - "Enter the Gate" (Germany)

Cemetery (Germany)
CD."Enter the Gate" 

"Enter the Gate" is the name of the towering record of the old Cemetery schools. Again the old school Germans come knocking on the table very brutal as always. The authority presented by this band is so brutal and direct that they go straight to the point. Hardly driving an unpublished sound that always hits. His renowned guttural voices that tear apart each song, very direct and at the same time quite well performed guitars, a lot of virtuosity, and a level of percussion that is enormous and of great impact. I need you to know the creators of this great band: Dani Zizek - Vocals / Guitars Roland Weihmayer - Guitars Robert Mayer - Bass Michael Bolz - Drums / Backing Vocals Three themes that caught my attention a lot: Cremation, Beyond the Wall of Sleep, At Dark Places. I invite you to listen to the entire album and that you can give the verdict yourself but it really seems to me that it is a very important and very brutal album, I recommend it.

Daemonic Dreams (Germany)

Daemonic Dreams (Germany)
CD. Demo "Hellbound"

The demo that I tell you below is interesting and quite worth appreciating. Demonic Dreams these German nobles formed in 2017 come loaded with their best melodic death arsenal and seek to break into the extreme melodic world scene. Withdraw notable influences from Swedish death metal from the early 90's we can enjoy very melodic songs and with all the force they say about death metal. Great song like Hellbound, Ancestral Sin, Daemonspell, etc. Brutal Demo, well executed and with the necessary energy to present your sound to the world. Being a band that I would like you not to forget and that you recognize within so much nascent metal in these times, here I leave you the names of their cintegrates and so you can investigate more about the authors of this great Demo: Dennis Pake, Stefan Rosenow, Nils Kreul, Simon Stellmacher. Let's hope very soon that the natives of Hamm are presenting us a long duration as exquisite as this material.

Carry The Torch (Sweden)

Carry The Torch (Sweden)
Carry The Torch excellent thrash death metal band of those that make you enter a frantic dance with the same death whom you will see from the front. The natives of Kalmar and Oland, Sweden sound like a cough a band with great experience, professional sound and great aptitude that is often decisive in this new world of the world metal scene. In July 2019, this musical gem comes to light, a large plate "Obsession" that takes you through thrash passages first, then you can experience the most direct death metal, then you will be impacted by dark but very deep melodies and a sublime union of sounds that make you discharge all your energy and which in turn achieves a sound by relaxing passages and representative of the purest melodic death. Each instrument is executed with a level of excellence and its powerful vocalization predominates and makes the power always present. A formidable album in which it is worth investing money and time you will not be disappointed and surely when you manage to get together with your colleagues it will be a great experience.

Written In Blood (Netherlands)

Written In Blood (Netherlands)

T: How did you decide to create the band and why?

W: The plan to start a new band was already in my head for years but I kept pq moving this plan forward because I thought I had no time for a new band. At a sudden point it was enough, and I called a few guy's which whom I played before. And so Written in Blood was started.

T: What influences did they have from the beginning?

W: I did not have really a band in mind to get influenced by. One thing was clear , that we wanted to make Deathñ Metal with some melodic parts in it. The music ended up with mainly Swedish death metal as influence I think. But from the moment I started writing the first song there was not a master plan or something like that.

T: How much time do you dedicate to music in your life?

W: After I quit God Dethroned I did nothing for years besides listening to metal of course. Later I tried some small projects, but that ended up nowhere. For now, running the band it takes many hours. It's not only writing songs but also do the promotion and trying to get gigs.You must see it like a second job almost.

T: How has the process of recording your CD."Written in Blood" been?

W: Most of the songs were written during the "corona pandemic" so I had plenty of time to write the songs. The drums where recorded in the same studio as where we recorded the first few God Dethroned albums. Guitar, Bass and vocals we did at home, as many bands do nowaday's. Later we did the mix and mastering in the same studio as were we recorded the drums. The owner is a good frienf of us so it was a pleasure to work there once more.

T: What are your musical influences?

W: Personaly I prefer the European metal above north American metal in general. Specific if we talk about death metal. I often listen to bands like, Hypocrisy, At the gates, Carcass. But also some black metal bands like Watain, Immortal and so on.

T: What is the music you listen to the most?

W: Like I said in my answer to the band that influence me. But I probably listen even more to bands where I grew up with, like Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Motorhead, Venom and so on.

T: How much time do you dedicate to the composition and structure of an album like "Written in Blood"?

W: I really don't know how many hours this takes. But for me the arrangement of the songs are important. It can take a few day's before I am satisfied with the structure of a song. But with some songs it is done in a matter of hours.

T: Your band's sound is very special with extreme sounds and old school sounds or how would you define it?  

W: I think Rock Hard Magazine from Germany described it the best way. Death metal, rough, dark, abysmal, misanthropic, dismissive. 

T: What do you think about the current underground metal scene?

W: Difficult to give an opinion about that. From one side there are maybe too many bands. From the other end, can there be too many bands? I can say, the scene is not like it used to be but things change and it is supposed to be like that. Did it change for good or bad? everyone can have their own opinion about that.

T: What do you know about the Latin American metal scene?

W: To be honest, almost nothing. The only thing I know is that metal is popular in Latin America and there are many young followers compared to for example Europe. Maybe you Latin Americans can tell the young Europeans to change into metalheads.

T: How about the support of Trollzorn Records with the making of your CD. "Written in Blood"?

W: Their support was realy good. They spend a good deal of time and effort in Written in Blood, and we thank them for that. 
Not in making the album of course, but the promotion I mean.

T: What is the band preparing for its immediate future?

W: We are working to release some singles in the near future, from half of July. With this we want to make another approach to promote our music. Instead of having a full CD every 1 1/2 or 2 years we want to try to keep the focus from the fans on the band by releasing a single every 2 months or so. And then in the end release a hard copy album for the collectors.

T: Thank you very much for your time and I ask you to greet your followers of The Legion of TchorT 'Zine, thank you very much.

W: Thank you very much for the interview. All hails to the Latin American fans from Written in Blood. One day we hope we get the chance to come over to you guy's and play some live shows. Cheers!! Best regards and cheers, z