Saturday, March 1, 2025

Written In Blood (Netherlands)

Written In Blood (Netherlands)

T: How did you decide to create the band and why?

W: The plan to start a new band was already in my head for years but I kept pq moving this plan forward because I thought I had no time for a new band. At a sudden point it was enough, and I called a few guy's which whom I played before. And so Written in Blood was started.

T: What influences did they have from the beginning?

W: I did not have really a band in mind to get influenced by. One thing was clear , that we wanted to make Deathñ Metal with some melodic parts in it. The music ended up with mainly Swedish death metal as influence I think. But from the moment I started writing the first song there was not a master plan or something like that.

T: How much time do you dedicate to music in your life?

W: After I quit God Dethroned I did nothing for years besides listening to metal of course. Later I tried some small projects, but that ended up nowhere. For now, running the band it takes many hours. It's not only writing songs but also do the promotion and trying to get gigs.You must see it like a second job almost.

T: How has the process of recording your CD."Written in Blood" been?

W: Most of the songs were written during the "corona pandemic" so I had plenty of time to write the songs. The drums where recorded in the same studio as where we recorded the first few God Dethroned albums. Guitar, Bass and vocals we did at home, as many bands do nowaday's. Later we did the mix and mastering in the same studio as were we recorded the drums. The owner is a good frienf of us so it was a pleasure to work there once more.

T: What are your musical influences?

W: Personaly I prefer the European metal above north American metal in general. Specific if we talk about death metal. I often listen to bands like, Hypocrisy, At the gates, Carcass. But also some black metal bands like Watain, Immortal and so on.

T: What is the music you listen to the most?

W: Like I said in my answer to the band that influence me. But I probably listen even more to bands where I grew up with, like Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Motorhead, Venom and so on.

T: How much time do you dedicate to the composition and structure of an album like "Written in Blood"?

W: I really don't know how many hours this takes. But for me the arrangement of the songs are important. It can take a few day's before I am satisfied with the structure of a song. But with some songs it is done in a matter of hours.

T: Your band's sound is very special with extreme sounds and old school sounds or how would you define it?  

W: I think Rock Hard Magazine from Germany described it the best way. Death metal, rough, dark, abysmal, misanthropic, dismissive. 

T: What do you think about the current underground metal scene?

W: Difficult to give an opinion about that. From one side there are maybe too many bands. From the other end, can there be too many bands? I can say, the scene is not like it used to be but things change and it is supposed to be like that. Did it change for good or bad? everyone can have their own opinion about that.

T: What do you know about the Latin American metal scene?

W: To be honest, almost nothing. The only thing I know is that metal is popular in Latin America and there are many young followers compared to for example Europe. Maybe you Latin Americans can tell the young Europeans to change into metalheads.

T: How about the support of Trollzorn Records with the making of your CD. "Written in Blood"?

W: Their support was realy good. They spend a good deal of time and effort in Written in Blood, and we thank them for that. 
Not in making the album of course, but the promotion I mean.

T: What is the band preparing for its immediate future?

W: We are working to release some singles in the near future, from half of July. With this we want to make another approach to promote our music. Instead of having a full CD every 1 1/2 or 2 years we want to try to keep the focus from the fans on the band by releasing a single every 2 months or so. And then in the end release a hard copy album for the collectors.

T: Thank you very much for your time and I ask you to greet your followers of The Legion of TchorT 'Zine, thank you very much.

W: Thank you very much for the interview. All hails to the Latin American fans from Written in Blood. One day we hope we get the chance to come over to you guy's and play some live shows. Cheers!! Best regards and cheers, z