Saturday, February 1, 2025

Arallu (Israel)

Arallu (Israel)

T: Why Arallu name? What does? T: What currently is its formation?

Butchered: Hello Perú metal scene its honor for us to interview for your great metal zine.
The name Arallu comes from the ancient world in the Middle Eastern culture of Mesopotamia. We come from Jerusalem and there's never been stability in the area, and I think never will be. A lot of the songs of Arallu talk about exactly this, and the link between the ancient world and the modern world, that very much resembles each other. We wake up every day to new horror in our life, and I explore the reasons why, and the process. Arallu was founded in Jerusalem, in the middle of the conflict between the religions around the old city of Jerusalem in the 90s. When you live as the terror is surrounding you. Want it or not, it inspires you whatever you do.I remember the bus exploding next to me and the hatred comes through the news. I was 16 years old and the extreme black metal concept around Europe came to my life. Mixed with bloodshed around Jerusalem what brought Arallu band to life.Arallu music is inspired by the events in the Middle East and Jerusalem, and the global terror around the world. I believe Arallu has its own sound and brings something new and fresh to the metal music. We work hard not to sound like other bands, and bring our own ideas and sound to the metal music around the world.

T: Do you have made CDs such as: The War on the Wailing Wall, Satanic War in Jerusalem, The Demon from the Ancient World, Desert Battles - Descending to the Sands can you tell us briefly about them?

B: Our debut album "The War On The Wailing wall was released in 1999. From then to 2015 we released 5 full studio album and 3 Dvds.  Arallu working really hard I think us keeping our line from the beginning until now. We working now for our new album. The 6th album and we hope enter the studio in January 2017 to start recording it.

T: Currently released his fifth CD entitled "Geniewar" with a great sound of Black / death metal. With an impeccable presentation. How you are going to promote this CD?

B: GENIEWAR is Arallu fifth album and he getting good feedbacks for now and we hope to continue. Like every album of the band the music is not sweeping u ears directly. It's taking time.  Like the old black metal albums of the 90's .you have to give it a chance and listen carefully. Who will listen to GENIEWAR carefully will really like it. I believe, like the other albums, people will understand the main idea of GENIEWAR after few listening.  We really want to believe GENIEWAR will open us new doors and will take us to a new way that we never knew. We try to bring each album his own sound. Each album has his instruments and ideas .usually beside the electric guitars and drums we combine in the music a Middle Eastern drums bit and Drabukka (Middle Eastern percussion). That u can fine in each album of the band ,but ech album we bring other instruments like Saz, Oud, Flutes, Kanun and others ideas. Arallu discography talk about the ancient world when demons and sorcerer rule the earth, u can find the Metaphor between the ancient world and the exchange of the world today. It's all Connects for one big concept and we all waiting when the Mesopotamian Empire will arise and finally destroy the religions and what they represent. This empire will rise from Jerusalem. It's not just that so many fight about this city. by all Mystical  books Jerusalem is the main place of the new world.  In GENIEWAR, we are going forward with the old releases. All around Arallu is the ancient time of Middle East era (called Mesopotamia) until the declaration of Israel state wars, bloodshed, and the conflict between the religions around Jerusalem. GENIEWAR bring different side about that. Some part of this album speak about the wars around the declaration of Israel of 1967 and the war in Syria and Iraq of 2013 but it's all connected around the reason for this horror days of blood everywhere around the Middle East and Jerusalem.   

T: Your CD. "Geniewar" that influences do you like to have? Who performs the lyrics and the music?

B: When I start to feel the anger starts flowing in my veins im taking my guitar and start writing some riffs. This is the start of the process. I'm sending them to my band members and we meet in the rehearsal room and start working for a new song .Unfortunately together with that the world provides me all the time ideas to writing lyrics. Especially,in these days around the Middle East.  Arallu is a radical band in the music and the lyric. We not hate anyone or anybody because his skin color or his religions. Our lyrics are clear! We coming against what is offensive and hurting us. Us as human beings, us as individual. The people in Israel don’t know what good life is. They think they know but actually they don’t know. We are busy all around with security issues. Our lyrics are in your face against the religions and what they represent and of course the people behind them. GENIEWAR talk about all those issues. The war of the ancient time as kings trying to rules Jerusalem until the wars of today as ISIS tray to destroying and kill who don’t think like them. This album is the mirror of the human race, hypocrisy of the governments all around the world including Israel as don’t want and afraid to fight against the extreme religions leaders.

T: On the CD. "Geniewar" find 10 songs, why do 2 topics in your language and make the cover of Iron Maiden "Powerslave" titled? why chose a classic theme of Iron Maiden "Powerslave?

B: Actually it was Yishai from "Raven Music" idea. He ask us to make a special version to this song because he think this song is exactly like Arallu music. Like we covered Slayer "Evil Has No Boundaries" like our music , here is the same .  Copy the song its easy, creativity it's hard. About the cover of Iron Maiden "Powerslave", we took the song and make him like Arallu song. U can feel there the atmosphere of pure desert wind. That the main idea of creativity. Look overtime other side and other atmosphere. As the army comes to attacks he looks for the surprise the enemies and that exactly ARALLU are, we looking to surprise the listeners and create our own sound even though its a cover.

T: Are considered a band not mixing politics with music?

B: No, never, Arallu are  not a politic band .we don’t care who is leading our country  or who lead the government. We talk about the religions terror around the world. We talking against all who support the terror and it's not matter from where is coming. 

T: Salem is a band of the first to appear on the scene of the metal from Israel. Are you agree to that?

B: Salem are great friends of us. Salem is a really great band and Zeev the vocalist and Nir Nakav the drummer worked with us in the studio in first years and we spent a great time together. The first extreme metal band from Israel in by no doubt Salem and people all around the world know it.

T: You have had the opportunity to play with Behemoth, Mayhem, Enslaved, Marduk, Tribulation, and others. Which concert was the best and why?

B: Its  was a really pleasure to play with these bands. They are really professional and these band influence our music from the 90's. it's great to share the stage with monsters like that and I hope to keep doing it in the future.

T: Have done a Tour by Europe. Which have countries gone to play?

B: We travel and preform in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Hungary and Turkey, I want to tell u that every place have is own atmospaher. We meat great people and great crowd. Leipzig in Germany was one of the best show on europe tour. We also preformed  in Czech republic at the "Metal Gate Czech death fest" and its was the best show of the band outside of our homeland. Everything was really professioanl we met there a great people and great audiance and i hope to play there again in the near future.

T: On the CD. Geniewar" you can hear Arabic instruments. To who came up with this mixture to do? Do you think that a most original band makes them? Or just are experiencing?

There are three bands that came from Israel and combine the Arabic feel and instruments in metal music, and I think everyone does it a bit differently. I strongly believe that Arallu is something that is unique.

T: Can you tell me some bands of Israel?

B: We are not really involved in the metal scene in Israel .We aim to be busy with our things and internal politics among the bands I'm in Israel I know a lot of bands and a very successful. There are Sinnery (thrash), Edellom (goth doom), Chugun(speed thrash) and many others great bands.

T: That plans and come?

B: we working now for our new album with full force and we waiting for info about east Europe tour and I hope we will book it.

T: Thank you very much for the interview. Something you want to say to our readers from The Legion Of TchorT? Where can I buy merchandise of the band?

B:Thank u for this great interview and we really hope to come see u personally and play for our fans in Peru.