Saturday, February 1, 2025

Istidraj (Singapore)


Istidraj (Singapur)

T: What does the name Istidraj mean?

Istidraj: Hail Leo & Legion of Tchort! Istidraj mean blasphemy in ancient arabic, we are the blasphemers of all religions & morality!

T: How many Full-leght have you done?

Istidraj: We unleash 4 full length albums so far.

T: What bands influence your music?

Istidraj: We are influenced by old Mayhem, old Impaled Nazarene, old Sodom, old Destruction, Thou Art Lord, Von, Sarcofago, old Bathory.

T: What do you think about your CD. "Muerte Mundi Militia"? How many copies did you make?

Istidraj: So far the response has been intense & great. The CD."Muerte Mundi Militia" format is released by Iron Blood Death Corporation of Mexico on limited 500 copies & the tape format is released by Iron County Records of Hungary on limited 250 tapes. It would be great if it's release on 12" vinyl lp someday.

T: What subject do you write in the song "Malak Al-Maut"?

Istidraj: Malak Al-Maut means angel of death in arabic, it's our opus as to glorify death as he will come to all one fine day. For Death is the liberation of souls, Death will embrace all!

T: Istidraj preparing a new CD? Can you overtake us something?

Istidraj: Our 24 years of blasphemik supremacy double  tapes format also just been released by Anti-Trend Records of U.S.A on limited 100 copies & 500 CD copies format by Quetzalcóatl Records of Mexico We are working on new MLp. which maybe done by early next year.

 T: What about your other band Companions of Hellfire and your CD."Codex Antichristus"?

Istidraj: Companions of Hellfire is just my one demo project which are emphasized on grim & dark melodic Black Metal it has released one demo on tape, cdr & recently released on split tape together with my other project band Rituael. Rituael is also working on new upcoming Ep. which shall be done by early this year.

T: What concerts have you had? And with which bands have they played?

Istidraj: So far Istidraj had played together with Surrender of Divinity, Dark Funeral, Impiety, Abigail, Mantak, As-Sahar & few more which i can't recall..

T: What bands do you recommend in your country?

Istidraj: Infernal Execrator, As-Sahar, Rituael.

T: Some last words for the readers of The Legion Of TchorT Zine? And where can they get their merchandise?

Istidraj: Glorify death as he will come to all one fine day. For Death is the liberation of souls, Death will embrace all! thanks to Leo & The Legion of Tchort for the mighty interview. to order our stuff you may contact us: our 24 years of blasphemik supremacy double tapes format also just been released by Anti-Trend Records of U.S.A on limited 100 copies & 500 cd copies format by Quetzalcóatl Records of Mexico.