Saturday, February 1, 2025

NordWitch (Ukraine)

NordWitch (Ukraine)

NordWitch - Mørk Profeti (2016) NordWitch plays a sort of modern mainstream metal with mixing of different genres. You can find here an old-school Death Metal riffs, some mid-tempo Swedish Black Metal stuff and very melodic almost classic Heavy Metal guitar leads. In general “Mørk Profeti” sounding very melodic but nothing outstanding though has a good guitar works. Also I don’t like vocal at all. It is a woman’s growling but the reason is not in a gender. It is not powerful and simply dull; probably it is because of mixing but voice didn’t remind me any witches… In conclusion: if you like different melodic stuff probably you will like “Mørk Profeti”; guitars are really good, but the whole release sounds slightly unsophisticated for me.