Saturday, February 1, 2025

Solfernus (Czech Republic)


Solfernus (Czech Republic)

Solfernus “Neoantichrist”. What an awesome release! From the first track I understood what kind of material it will be! It is a sort of simple but powerful Blackened Metal which catches you from the first riff. Sometimes it’s a Black Metal blasting, sometimes it’s a pure Thrash attack, sometimes it’s a slow atmospheric grooving moment but always catching. Also, I should mention some interesting features as an acoustic flamenco guitar, atmospheric keys and guitar insertions and various vocals from clean to hysterical. Vocals has some unique Czech atmosphere, if you had heard at least Master’s Hammer or Root you know what I mean. By the way some musicians from Root are playing in SOLFERNUS. In conclusion, I recommend “Neoantichrist” to all fans of a good powerful Unholy Metal.