Saturday, February 1, 2025

Hak-Ed Damm (Canada)


Hak-Ed Damm (Canada)

Canadian band Hak-Ed Damm presents a powerful and intensive War Black Metal on their LP.Holocaust Over Dresden Need a comparison? They have a track with title “MG 42.” So the sound is very similar to machine gun cannonade that reminds me old Marduk. Except the track “Auschwitz-Birkenau” which is a short semi-acoustic rest before the second part of the fight. Naturally, some samples of war sounds could find here that making atmosphere of the album more convincing. The sound of fretless bass was surprising for me, but it’s didn't damage the whole atmosphere appears like a feature instead. Certainly “Holocaust Over Dresden “ is a good powerful LP, which I recommend to all fans of fast and devastating sort of Black Metal with military esthetics.