Saturday, February 1, 2025

Spitfire (Germany)

Spitfire (Germany)

T: Why is the name of the band "Spitfire"?

Manuel: The name is origined by the "supermarine Spitfire" which was an Hunting Aircraft from England during the 2nd Worldwar. We were waching a ducumentary-movie about it and so we said "YES! Thats it!" Our first name was "Stormblade" Sady, we are not the only Metalband with this name. Check out the Greeks !!

T: What´s the current line-up of the band?

Manuel: Me at the Drums, Rico plays guitar and sings and Max replaces Michael (Dissident Agressor) on the Bass. Michael left the band in August for a 5-Year-Study in Moldavia.

T: I listened to your first EP. "Spitfire": great !! do you believe that you rescue the oldschool thrash/speed metal from the 80´s?

Manuel: Noooo I don´t think so. There are a lot of new "old" Bands in germany and Europe. That Movement is called "the new Wave of Traditional Heavy Metal (NWOTHM. Ok, I think that we are part of it. But that doesn´t matter to us. We just do what we love. And this is Speed Metal!

T: What are your influrences? are you influrented by exodus?

Manuel: I think stuff like "bounded by blood" is an Influrence to all Bands in the Speed/Thrash Scene. Period. Just like "Kill em all" ... But there are Tons of good bands out there. Not only in Thrash/speed. NWOBHM, Classic Power Metal like Running Wild, True Metal and also Mr. Cash and all the good ol´ Rock´n Roll. All those who have the Spirit, that we all love so much. For Rico, it´s especially Motörhead. He is just the biggest Motörhead Fan that I know.

T: Which bands do you listen to? did those help you to play such powerful metal?

Manuel: Oh. That´s gonna be a 10-Pages-List. hahahaha!! Like I said before... We just play that what we love. Passion and Agression, Baby !!

T: The cover of the EP. reminds me a lot to "aces high" from iron maiden. what do you think?

Manuel: a little bit, Hahaha! We are all big Maiden fans. I drawed the cover. We just wanted to do something that belongs to our Song "Spitfire´s Down". So I started to catch some Inspirations and good Ideas.

T: You have released your EP. also on Tape via Urtod records. is that label still with you?

Manuel: That was just a deal for 100 Tapes. But Igor form Urtod is a friend of us. So we will see what the future will bring... We´re goint to release our First Full Lenght "Tectonical Power" which includes 9 new Songs and a new recorded Version of "Lead me to thew Sky" in late 2016. We´re already done with the recordings. You can get it on CD and Vinyl. And maybe on Tape...

T: What are your favourite drinks?

Manuel: Traditional German Beer, Jack/Jim with coke. Ah. And Coffee...a lot of Coffee..

T: Could the readers of The Legion of TchorT contact you to buy your stuff?

Manuel: Sure, hahahaha! What a question! You´re welcome to do that. You can get the EP on or on Amazon. Hurry up with the Shirts! There are only around 20 left. The new Stuff is all in progress. Shirts, Patches, Posters, Stickers and of Ocurse Vinyl (Limited to 500) and Cd´s.

T: Some final words?

Manuel: Thanks for interviewing me! Hails to all Headbangers from Peru! Rock out with your COCK out ! Hahahaha !