Saturday, February 1, 2025

Vomitile (Cyprus)


Vomitile (Cyprus)

Vomitile the real death metal present and in what way. A disco bestiality of the natives of Nicosia. Pure Eternal Hate is the album of 2018 that this active band presents to us since 2007. The band is composed by: Khatch Yildizian Bass Panos Larkou Guitars Hugo Olivos Drums George Yildizian Guitars Pitch Black Records are in charge of bringing us this great album: 1.Vomitile - Mass Extermination 2.Vomitile - Pestilation 3.Vomitile - Labeled Dead 4.Vomitile - HateField 5.Vomitile - Glorify The Insane 6.Vomitile - Executioner Of Strength 7.Vomitile - To Deflesh 8.Vomitile - Nothing But Pain 9.Vomitile - Soulskinner 10.Vomitile - Carnal Surgery Satanath Records Russia give us again a great extreme metal band.