Herpes - Doomsday / Demo
Here we have a real fantastic surprise from France with the bit exotic name Hepres, hehe. It is a brilliant debut demo I can say and consists five tracks of totally brainsawing ultra gore death metal in the same school of bands like Autopsy, Benediction, Nihilist, Obituary (early), Necrophagia to mention some. And there is nothing much to say about this demo more than it is a damn good debut by this band, a big salute to that. And sometimes it sounds even better than Autopsy that is the main influence here I guess. The sound has the typical dirty thing that makes it so pure raw, powerful and intense. Tracks that is a bit of extra here is the first one "Corrupted Flesh", "Stench of Death" and "Frozen Funeral". Other tracks "Doomsday" that is the title one is not bad either and then "Spinal Ashes" as well. And personally I love this kind of sound some bands have on drums, it is dirty, heavy and hammering and Herpes got it both in guitar and bass playing too. The whole demo has a very good quality all thru it, both in music and deliverance and the cover art gives you a thrill of true old school. Hope to hear much more from this band in the future.