Under Silence - Memories Lost In Time
Here is something really special and own and does not sounds like any other metalband from this genre and of course that is my personal opinion also. If you likes viking, pagan, folk, heavy metal and as well power metal, check this band out. Under Silence that are a pretty new band hailing from Spain has in this short time of existence become a really promising band that can go far. The debut album that is selfproduced is a damn good debut and is in fact one of the better debuts I have heard from a band like this in many years. The opening on the album is a shorter sort of introduction with same name as the album title (reminds me of the old 80s). Next track is "Wartunes From Afar" that is so good, melodic, folky and heavy that if no other track was good, only this one would have saved the whole album, but that is not true."Around The Blaze" number three is a song that gives you a sense of italian Doomsword, Pagan Reign and Suidakra mixed together with old Running Wild. Next track "The Only Truth" is the same nearly, but with a bit more melodical feeling, but still with that right sense of pure power and a extra notice here is that Under Silence really got the right feelings for choruses and melodies combined together. Track number five is a instrumental track, but oooh so damn good, "A Cycle Ends" that also have the rhymes of bands like Manowar and even some sound of Freedom Call in it. Next track "New Winds" that is a really great ballad has a lot of a pagan/folk feeling and sound and is in my opinion one of the best "new" ballads in metal music I have heard in a long time.Track number seven "Wrath And Sorrow" is a great continue on this fantastic album and here again I hear those vibes of bands like Doomsword and even early Dark Moor some how and I really loves it. The last track is not bad either here "Under The Serpent Spell" is like a mixture of all bands I have noticed here + some touch of old czech Buldok and earlier Helloween. Those bands I tells about here is only a way of giving you that reads a better opinion and view on how this great band sounds like. And even if Under Silence has many similar sounds of other bands this band really does it their own way and I promise you they do it very good. If you not have heard them before I really recommend you all to do that. This is not just a new softy fashion band or another profit hungry soap metal band. This is only true and purhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gife raw, heavy, melodical and well played viking/folk inspired metal that goes it´s own way and honor to that. Extra bonus, if you like truly well played guitar solos with a great viking atmosphere this is it and the vocalist has a very original voice too that suits this music perfectly here. Some last words to say is that those who likes Doomsword, Freedom Call, Pagan Reign, Running Wild, Bathory (the viking years) and Suidakra will probably find Under Silence real intersting as well you that are into the old school sound.