T: Why the name A Transylvanian Funeral?
Sleepwalker: The name A Transylvanian Funeral manifested itself. I wanted a name that held a sense of mystery and formality... a ritual of sorts. It, to me, embodies transition from life to death and the mystery of it. I would rather the listeners form their own views on what my work means but that is what it means to me.
T: The band are only one man sleepwalker and have support of Sojurner but you do all?
Sleepwalker: I do all the work, yes. Sojourner was present in the beginning and wrote words to four of the thirteen songs on the album but that was really his biggest contribution. Sojourner also sang backing vocals on all the tracks. I am, however, no longer working with him.
I wrote the lyrics to the remaining 9 songs on the album as well as all the music. I performed guitars, bass, vocals and drum programming as well as engineering, mixing and production. I even designed the packaging and artwork. I am slowly beginning to work on some new material and, other than possibly a session drummer, I have no plans of working with any other musicians.
T: Which is the answer of the public of the DVD Debut "A Transylvanian Funeral" that have 13 songs, I think that is very complete stuff and great merchandise.
Sleepwalker: Thanks... I think it has been very well received... I haven't heard anyone's negative comments about what I am doing yet... I am sure they are out there but it is of little concern to me. I think the music is strong enough to stand on its own without the merchandise but I really wanted to make the debut release something special with the button, sticker and postcard. I may do it again with future releases but I don't know yet...
T: When you play in concert, have help of other session music? Or A Transylvanian Funeral is a band Studio?
Sleepwalker: If I found the proper people to work with live, I would consider it but at the present time, live performance is the least of my concerns. I enjoy song writing and creating art and I find that a lot of live music concerts are bullshit. Half the people that I see at these shows will bang their head to anything and use it as an excuse to get drunk. I did that shit for years and I am doing something different now.
T: The song “hammer of the witch” remember me my 5 compilation great song very hard, few lyrics but hard. (listen sample in myspace)
Sleepwalker: The song Hammer of the Witch is pretty old; the oldest being Beyond the Veils of Light...I think I first record Beyond the Veils of Light in 2002...It had a totally different ending with a female vocalist and a nylon string classical guitar...I may release it one day...
Hammer of the Witch is another old song that really encompasses the themes I try to work with... I wrote it with the mythology of the Triple Goddess in mind as well as the idea of a witch locked in black magical warfare with another witch... it is a pretty violent song.
T: All your songs have few lyrics ever but the sound is very hard. Is your style?
Sleepwalker: I try to say a lot with as few words as possible. I enjoy songs with a lot of lyrics but only if every word fits and is necessary...I don't write short stories anymore; I write songs and they are my stories...If I wrote too many lyrics I would deprive the listener from the use of their own imagination and interpretation of the songs.
I like to write songs that are both aggressive and atmospheric. On this debut release, I think I was more aggressive and I hope to embody more atmosphere on my next release...
T: Which bands you like of your state scene?
Sleepwalker: I don't go to many shows locally... I just don't get into much of the 'scene'... the ones that stick out in my mind now are Rejicide, Fog and Christ Beheaded...
T: You have offers of labels for re-edit your cool work in Cd. if is possible?
Sleepwalker: I would consider re-releasing this album with the right label but my plans right now is to do everything myself...It is a lot of work but it pays off. I don't have to worry about rip-offs like Lord Panzer or Infest Productions and I can decide how the money gets spent on promotion and packaging... This is my life and I like to have a lot of control.
I don't want to dissuade others from working with me but it comes down to someone else taking my music as seriously as I do.
T: Any Word for our friends and very Thanks for the Salutes in the DVD Debut for “The Legion Of TchorT”.
Sleepwalker: Your are more than welcome for the salutation! “The Legion of TchorT” is a very respectable company and I support what you are doing...
I want to thanks everyone who has supported what I do and got the album! I want to thanks Grave at Brutal Existence Radio, Baphometus Revelatum Radio, Raven's Eggs and Kegs and DJ Metallord...Marty the Devilman, Beyond the Dark Horizon, Herlaka Rose, Granath from Cry of Silence and Christophe Szpanzel for the killer logos...and everyone else I'm forgetting...but most of all thanks to the fans, the bands and the 'zines who keep the underground flame burning...Thanks for the killer interview, TchorT!
T: Sleepwalker thanks for all, is cool work with you for metal underground music.