Antagonized - Intense Perversion
This is a brilliant and very surprising debut album from last year. Often I also thinks that much death metal bands of today can be a band like just many others before and sounds exactly like all others and that can be very sad. But here it is real false this band from Panama has done a great and excellent debut job. The album starts up with a short intro that goes over to the first real track that gives me flashbacks and shivers of old bands like Afflicted, Benediction, Bolt Thrower, Exodus, Malevolent Creation, Defecation, Morbid Angel and Master.All tracks on this album is excellent all from start til`the end and if you like much old school sounded death metal with that true raw sound, this is the album for you. Some tracks that sticks out from others here is the second one "Antagonized", "Cynical Developer" that is track four and "Intense Perversion" that is number five that also is the title one. Other tracks to mention here is "Venomous Incineration" and "Witch Hunt" and the last track on album that is a well done cover "Coronation Of Our Doom" of Malevolent Creation. This album is selfreleased and inhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifcludes their lyrics in booklet and comes with great sound quality and well played and made death metal in 10 tracks of first class and over 33 minutes of playtime. This one is now also re-released by Old Cemetary Records from 7th of January 2011. Really recommended!!